That’s for the base configuration with an 8-core Intel Xeon processor (CPU), Radeon 580X graphics processor (GPU) and 32GB of ECC memory (RAM). This is after the new Mac Pro had a vague 'Fall 2019' release window for most of the year. The Mac Pro 2019 finally hit the streets on Tuesday, December 10, 2019. What is it? Apple's new dedicated desktop.
This isn't a computer made for the average consumer, as you'll find the spec and price to be far in excess of what you’ll likely need – and can probably afford. In fact, Apple is targeting the new Mac Pro 2019 at production crews and serious creators. That's always been the case with Mac Pro configurations – it's going to be an investment for everything, which also means that it’s not for everyone.
Naturally, the new Mac Pro 2019's companion screen is sold separately, as is the color-tweaked keyboard, mouse and trackpad.